Adaptec RAID Controller Monitoring in VMware

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Numerous Adaptec by PMC-Sierra SAS/SATA RAID Controller are supported for use with VMware ESX/ESXi from VMware.[1][2] This article will show you how to monitor the Adaptec RAID Controller on a system using VMware ESX/ESXi.

General Information

VMware vSphere 5

VMware vSphere 5 is only available with ESXi.

ESXi 5.*

Installation CIM Provider and aacraid drivers

The updated aacraid drivers required can be integrated prior to the installation of the ESXi Host into an individualized ESXi image.

The VSphere Installation Bundle for the CIM provider will be installed after the ESXi Host has been installed:

Note: The CIM provider will make configuration and inquiry of an Adaptec RAID controller possible using remote arcconf. RAID status information (the vSphere client will display such information for LSI RAID controllers) will not be displayed by the CIM provider.

Remote arcconf Installation under Linux

Content of the RPM package for remote arcconf

Adaptec provides an executable installation file, remote-arcconf-7.30-18837.x86_64.bin, which will install the supplied rpm on RPM-based systems after confirmation of the license.

The RPM package cannot be installed under Debian or Ubuntu. You can use the following steps in order to be able to use remote arcconf despite this:

  1. Start the executable file (and don't answer the licensing question immediately).
  2. Unpack the file, remote-arcconf-inst.rpm, in the same directory. Copy it, for example, into remote-arcconf-inst-copy.rpm.
  3. Confirm the license question with Yes. Subsequently, an error message will be displayed and the file, remote-arcconf-inst.rpm, will be deleted.
    ./remote-arcconf-7.30-18837.x86_64.bin: 412: rpm: not found
  4. Unpack the files from the RPM package into a directory of their own (such as by using the archive manager).
  5. Delete the library files, and, from this directory, since these files are typically already present under Debian and Ubuntu.
  6. Create a file in the directory, /etc/, which contains the path to the directory containing arcconf, as the root, and execute ldconfig afterwards:
    echo "/path-to-arcconf" > /etc/
  7. Configure the IP address, port, user name and password for the ESXi server:
    /path-to-arcconf/arcconf SETVMCREDENTIAL 5989 root PASSWORD
  8. remote arcconf can now be used:
user@ubuntu-11-10:~/path-to-arcconf$ sudo ./arcconf GETCONFIG 1
Controllers found: 1
Controller information
   Controller Status                        : Optimal
   Channel description                      : SAS/SATA
   Controller Model                         : Adaptec 6405
   Controller Serial Number                 : 1A15119CDBC
   Physical Slot                            : 4
   Temperature                              : 59 C/ 138 F (Normal)
   Installed memory                         : 512 MB

Problems with Certain Characters in the Password

(28.03.2012) arcconf does not work properly with certain passwords.[4] We were able to re-create the problem with the test password, Krelation. (esxcli will work with this password, but arcconf will not):

user@ubuntu-11-10:~/path-to-arcconf$ esxcli -s -u root -p Krelation software acceptance get
user@ubuntu-11-10:~/path-to-arcconf$ sudo ./arcconf SETVMCREDENTIAL 5989 root 'Krelation'

Command completed successfully.
user@ubuntu-11-10:~/path-to-arcconf$ sudo ./arcconf GETSTATUS 1
CIM Exception: HTTP Error (401 Unauthorized)..
Invalid ESX server credentials are provided. Please reset the server credentials.

The characters Y, E and K are affected by this issue. The problem should be corrected in the next release.

Update (04.09.2012): The updated CIM provider and arcconf version cim_vmware_v7_31_18856_zip (release date 18.05.2012) fixes this password problem.

VMware vSphere 4

VMware vSphere 4 is available as ESXi 4.* and ESX 4.*.

ESXi 4.*

Since the end of April 2011, the option of monitoring the state of an Adaptec RAID controller from an ESXi system has been available through the remote arcconf command line utility.[5]

A so-called CIM Provider is required for monitoring the RAID controllers under ESXi. An updated aacraid driver is also necessary.

The following instructions refer to ESXi 4.1 (Build 260247). As of May 30 2011, there are not any updated drivers for ESXi 4.1 Update 1 (only for ESX/ESXi 4 and ESX/ESXi 4.1 (initial Build 260247)).


Switch to Maintenance mode (from the vSphere Client)
  1. Download the CIM provider ( and the updated aacraid driver (aacraid_vmware_esx_esxi_drivers_1.1.7-28000.tgz) from Adaptec Support Page for your RAID controller (you will find them respectively under Storage Manager Downloads and VMware ESX Server Downloads)
  2. Shutdown the affected virtual machines or shift them to another VMware Host.
  3. Place the affected VMware Host in maintenance mode.

Installation of the CIM Provider and aacraid driver

Install the CIM provider and the updated aacraid driver (remotely via vSphere command line interface (CLI))

The file, contains a file, Use this file for the installation of the CIM provider.

The file, aacraid_vmware_esx_esxi_drivers_1.1.7-28000.tgz, contains several ISO files for VMware ESX/ESXi 4 and ESX/ESXi 4.1:

  • vmware-aacraid-400.
  • vmware-aacraid-400.
  • vmware-aacraid-400.
  • vmware-aacraid-400.

Each ISO file contains a file, Use the file,, from vmware-aacraid-400. for updating the RAID driver for ESXi 4.1.

Since the two files, and, do not contain any signatures, the option, --nosigcheck, will be required, as can be seen in the following steps:

adminuser@ubuntu-10-10:~$ vihostupdate --server --query
Enter username: root
Enter password: 
---------Bulletin ID--------- -----Installed----- ----------------Summary-----------------
adminuser@ubuntu-10-10:~$ vihostupdate --server --install --bundle
Enter username: root
Enter password: 
Please wait patch installation is in progress ...
Vib signature is missing.
adminuser@ubuntu-10-10:~$ vihostupdate --server --install --bundle --nosigcheck
Enter username: root
Enter password: 
Please wait patch installation is in progress ...
The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
adminuser@ubuntu-10-10:~$ vihostupdate --server --install --bundle --nosigcheck
Enter username: root
Enter password: 
Please wait patch installation is in progress ...
The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
adminuser@ubuntu-10-10:~$ vihostupdate --server --query
Enter username: root
Enter password: 
---------Bulletin ID--------- -----Installed----- ----------------Summary-----------------
VMW_ARC_CLI_1.0-ESX-4.1.0-1.0 2011-05-30T09:26:57 ARC CLI provider: ESX release           
adpt-aacraid-1.1.7            2011-05-30T09:28:57 aacraid: scsi driver for VMware ESX     

Now, re-start the ESX host and exit Maintenance Mode. You can perform these steps from vSphere Client’s graphical user interface or from the vSphere command line interface (CLI).

adminuser@ubuntu-10-10:~$ vicfg-hostops --server --operation reboot
Enter username: root
Enter password: 
Host esxihost1. rebooted successfully.
adminuser@ubuntu-10-10:~$ vicfg-hostops --server --operation exit
Enter username: root
Enter password: 
Host esxihost1. exited from maintenance mode successfully.

Remote arcconf Installation under Windows

The following screenshots show the installation procedure for remote arcconf under Windows. The login data for ESXi Host (IP address, user name and password) will be entered in the fourth step.


The arcconf.exe program will be stored on the default installation path under C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf. The ESXi login data has been stored in the file, VMCIMOMConfig.txt in encrypted format:

C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf>dir
 Volume in Drive C: has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 2060-F2B4

 Directory of  C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf

30.05.2011  11:43    <DIR>          .
30.05.2011  11:43    <DIR>          ..
15.03.2011  01:51            39.424 arcconf.exe
25.01.2011  18:14         1.013.760 LIBEAY32.dll
25.01.2011  18:14           161.280 pegclient.dll
25.01.2011  18:14         1.415.168 pegcommon.dll
25.01.2011  18:14            40.448 pegexportserver.dll
25.01.2011  18:14            28.160 peglistener.dll
25.01.2011  18:14            88.064 pegslp_client.dll
25.01.2011  18:14           208.384 SSLEAY32.dll
30.05.2011  11:43               114 UcliEvt.log
30.05.2011  11:43                43 VMCIMOMConfig.txt
              10 File(s)      2.994.845 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  5.628.567.552 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf>

arcconf.exe provides the following commands:

C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf>arcconf.exe
| UCLI |  Adaptec by PMC uniform command line interface
  | UCLI |  Version 7.0 (B18781)
  | UCLI |  (C) Adaptec by PMC 2003-2011
  | UCLI |  All Rights Reserved

 ATAPASSWORD             | Setting password on a physical drive
 COPYBACK                | toggles controller copy back mode
 CREATE                  | creates a logical device
 DATASCRUB               | toggles the controller background consistency check mode
 DELETE                  | deletes one or more logical devices
 FAILOVER                | toggles the controller automatic failover mode
 GETCONFIG               | prints controller information
 GETLOGS                 | gets controller log information
 GETSMARTSTATS           | gets the SMART statistics
 GETSTATUS               | displays the status of running tasks
 GETVERSION              | prints version information for all controllers
 IDENTIFY                | blinks LEDS on device(s) connected to a controller
 IMAGEUPDATE             | update physical device firmware
 KEY                     | installs a Feature Key onto a controller
 MODIFY                  | performs RAID Level Migration or Online Capacity Expansion
 RESCAN                  | checks for new or removed drives
 RESETSTATISTICSCOUNTERS | resets the controller statistics counters
 ROMUPDATE               | updates controller firmware
 SAVESUPPORTARCHIVE      | saves the support archive
 SETALARM                | controls the controller alarm, if present
 SETCACHE                | adjusts physical or logical device cache mode
 SETCONFIG               | restores the default configuration
 SETMAXIQCACHE           | adjusts MaxIQ Cache settings for physical or logical device
 SETNAME                 | renames a logical device given its logical device number
 SETNCQ                  | toggles the controller NCQ status
 SETPERFORM              | changes adapter settings based on application
 SETPOWER                | power settings for controller or logical device
 SETPRIORITY             | changes specific or global task priority
 SETSTATE                | manually sets the state of a physical or logical device
 SETSTATSDATACOLLECTION  | toggles the controller statistics data collection modes
 SETVMCREDENTIAL             | Storing the ESX server credentials in Guest OS in encrypted format
 TASK                    | performs a task such as build/verify on a physical or
 logical device

C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf>

The configuration for the RAID controller will be read in the following example:

C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf>arcconf.exe GETCONFIG 1
Controllers found: 1
Controller information
   Controller Status                        : Optimal
   Channel description                      : SAS/SATA
   Controller Model                         : Adaptec 5405
   Controller Serial Number                 : 8B281072526
   Physical Slot                            : 4
   Temperature                              : 75 C/ 167 F (Normal)
   Installed memory                         : 256 MB
   Copyback                                 : Disabled
   Background consistency check             : Disabled
   Automatic Failover                       : Enabled
   Global task priority                     : High
   Performance Mode                         : Default/Dynamic
   Stayawake period                         : Disabled
   Spinup limit internal drives             : 0
   Spinup limit external drives             : 0
   Defunct disk drive count                 : 0
   Logical devices/Failed/Degraded          : 1/0/0
   SSDs assigned to MaxIQ Cache pool        : 0
   Maximum SSDs allowed in MaxIQ Cache pool : 8
   MaxIQ Read Cache Pool Size               : 0.000 GB
   MaxIQ cache fetch rate                   : 0
   MaxIQ Cache Read, Write Balance Factor   : 3,1
   NCQ status                               : Enabled
   Statistics data collection mode          : Enabled
   Controller Version Information
   BIOS                                     : 5.2-0 (17911)
   Firmware                                 : 5.2-0 (17911)
   Driver                                   : 1.1-7 (28000)
   Boot Flash                               : 5.2-0 (17911)
   Controller Battery Information
   Status                                   : Optimal
   Over temperature                         : No
   Capacity remaining                       : 100 percent
   Time remaining (at current draw)         : 3 days, 1 hours, 52 minutes

Logical device information
Logical device number 0
   Logical device name                      : RAID1
   RAID level                               : 1
   Status of logical device                 : Optimal
   Size                                     : 953334 MB
   Read-cache mode                          : Enabled
   MaxIQ preferred cache setting            : Disabled
   MaxIQ cache setting                      : Disabled
   Write-cache mode                         : Enabled (write-back)
   Write-cache setting                      : Enabled (write-back) when protected by battery/ZMM
   Partitioned                              : Yes
   Protected by Hot-Spare                   : No
   Bootable                                 : Yes
   Failed stripes                           : No
   Power settings                           : Disabled
   Logical device segment information
   Segment 0                                : Present (0,0)      WD-WMATV7459145

   Segment 1                                : Present (0,1)      WD-WMATV7458483

Physical Device information
      Device #0
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                              : Online
         Supported                          : Yes
         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 3.0 Gb/s
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,0(0:0)
         Reported Location                  : Connector 0, Device 0
         Vendor                             : WDC
         Model                              : WD1002FBYS-0
         Firmware                           : 03.00C06
         Serial number                      : WD-WMATV7459145
         Size                               : 953869 MB
         Write Cache                        : Disabled (write-through)
         FRU                                : None
         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0
         Power State                        : Full rpm
         Supported Power States             : Full rpm,Powered off
         SSD                                : No
         MaxIQ Cache Capable                : No
         MaxIQ Cache Assigned               : No
         NCQ status                         : Enabled
      Device #1
         Device is a Hard drive
         State                              : Online
         Supported                          : Yes
         Transfer Speed                     : SATA 3.0 Gb/s
         Reported Channel,Device(T:L)       : 0,1(1:0)
         Reported Location                  : Connector 0, Device 1
         Vendor                             : WDC
         Model                              : WD1002FBYS-0
         Firmware                           : 03.00C06
         Serial number                      : WD-WMATV7458483
         Size                               : 953869 MB
         Write Cache                        : Disabled (write-through)
         FRU                                : None
         S.M.A.R.T.                         : No
         S.M.A.R.T. warnings                : 0
         Power State                        : Full rpm
         Supported Power States             : Full rpm,Powered off
         SSD                                : No
         MaxIQ Cache Capable                : No
         MaxIQ Cache Assigned               : No
         NCQ status                         : Enabled

Command completed successfully.

C:\Program Files\Adaptec\RemoteArcconf>

Reset System Configuration

If the ESXi system has been reset by Reset System Configuration, the drivers may need to be re-installed.

ESX 4.*

You can use the Adaptec Storage Manager in the Service Console for monitoring an ESX server.

Adaptec Storage Manager version v6.50.18579 will support VMware ESX Server 3.x, 4.0.[6]

On a management PC, you may need to adjust the ESX firewall for network access to Adaptec Storage Manager to the Adaptec Storage Manager installation for the VMware ESX system.[7][8][9]


Foto Werner Fischer.jpg

Author: Werner Fischer

Werner Fischer, working in the Knowledge Transfer team at Thomas-Krenn, completed his studies of Computer and Media Security at FH Hagenberg in Austria. He is a regular speaker at many conferences like LinuxTag, OSMC, OSDC, LinuxCon, and author for various IT magazines. In his spare time he enjoys playing the piano and training for a good result at the annual Linz marathon relay.

Related articles

Adaptec arcconf CLI Commands
Adaptec RAID Monitoring Plugin setup
Correcting Hard Disk Failures with Adaptec RAID Controllers using ARCCONF