LM Sensors Monitoring Plugin Setup

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This article describes the use of the LM sensor monitoring plugins check_lm_sensors for Nagios/Icinga. The plugin was developed by ETH Zurich. In this example, the plugin is used to monitor the two temperature sensors of the Low Energy Server. In this example Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Icinga 1.6.1 is used.



The following example shows the configuration for Low Energy Server Temperature Sensors.

For a configuration with threshold values create in the file /etc/icinga/commands.cfg the following command definition:

define command{
  command_name  check_lm_sensors
  command_line  $USER1$/check_lm_sensors --high $ARG1$=$ARG2$,$ARG3$

Sensor temp1

To monitor the CPU Temperature (temp1) create the following additional service configuration (adjust the threshold values 65 and 85 to fit your requirements):

define service{
        use                             generic-service
        host_name                       les
        service_description             CPU Temperature
        check_command                   check_lm_sensors!temp1!65!85

The Icinga Graphs with PNP on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise will look like the following:


Sensor Core 0

To monitor the additional temperature sensor (Core 0) create the following additional service configuration (adjust the threshold values ​​40 and 50 adjust to fit your requirements):

define service{
        use                             generic-service
        host_name                       les
        service_description             Temperature
        check_command                   check_lm_sensors!'Core 0'!40!50

The Icinga graphs with PNP on Ubuntu 12:04 Precise will look like the following:


Completing the Configuration

After adjusting the configuration, refresh the configuration:

sudo service icinga reload

Additional Information

Foto Werner Fischer.jpg

Author: Werner Fischer

Werner Fischer, working in the Knowledge Transfer team at Thomas-Krenn, completed his studies of Computer and Media Security at FH Hagenberg in Austria. He is a regular speaker at many conferences like LinuxTag, OSMC, OSDC, LinuxCon, and author for various IT magazines. In his spare time he enjoys playing the piano and training for a good result at the annual Linz marathon relay.

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