Zenarmor information

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The open source firewall OPNsense offers a good range of functions by default and can be supplemented by many useful extensions via the integrated Plugin Management. The plugin Zenarmor can also be installed via this Plugin Management. In this article you will find a compact summary of the most important information about Zenarmor, plus important links to further information.

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What is Zenarmor?

Zenarmor in the context of OPNsense is a plugin for Next-generation Firewall Features (NGFW).

  • NGFW plugin for OPNsense and other open source firewalls.
  • Also usable with Ubuntu, Debian etc. (but with a different feature set than OPNsense)
  • Application based blocking options
  • Category-based blocking options
  • Extensive reporting capabilities
  • TLS Inspection function (Full TLS Inspection released with version 1.17, SSE Subsription necessary)[1]
  • Special block features (for example registered domains)
  • Cloud connection for monitoring and remote control

Important links

Here are some important links with information about Zenarmor:

Zenarmor Subscriptions

Zenarmor offers four different types of subscriptions, in the corporate environment the Business Subscription is recommended. The range of functions is staggered. The Free Plan provides basic features, all features are provided by the Business Subscription only.

  • Free Plan (basic functions)
  • Home Subscription (for private use)
  • SOHO Subscription (small offices)
  • Business Subscription (licenses from small to very large companies)
  • SSE Subscription (all features, with Encrypted Threats Prevention (Full TLS Inspection))

An overview of the included features of each subscription can be found at Zenarmor in the overview of the different Subscription Plans.


Foto Thomas Niedermeier.jpg

Author: Thomas Niedermeier

Thomas Niedermeier working in the product management team at Thomas-Krenn, completed his bachelor's degree in business informatics at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences. Since 2013 Thomas is employed at Thomas-Krenn and takes care of OPNsense firewalls, the Thomas-Krenn-Wiki and firmware security updates.

Related articles

Zenarmor basic configuration and activate license
Zenarmor Business Subscription Overview
Zenarmor installation under OPNsense 23.7