Broadcom bnxtnvm Firmware Update Utility

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bnxtnvm - das Broadcom NetXtreme-C/E/S Firmware Update and Configuration Utility - ermöglicht das einfache Aktualisieren der Firmware von Broadcom Netzwerkkarten. Dieser Artikel zeigt eine Übersicht der Optionen des Tools. Ein Beispiel eines Firmware Updates ist im Artikel Firmware Update Broadcom Netzwerkkarte zu finden.


[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm -h

        Broadcom NetXtreme-C/E/S firmware update and configuration utility

         bnxtnvm [OPTIONS] <COMMAND> [Params]

                -h                       : Display help message
                -dev=<device>            : Specify the physical device name
                -live                    : Update the Firmware without the server reboot or power cycle
                -save                    : This option is supported only for tunnel commands.
                                           Use this option to save the vxlan_ipv4 tunnel type configuration into NVM
                -online                  : Fetch FW image online from Broadcom server and perform upgrade
                -type=<type>             : Specify item type by name or number (?=list)
                -savemac                 : Save MAC Address of all PF's of the device
                -y|--yes                 : Specify this option to answer 'yes' in prompt
                -force                   : Force installation


        Firmware update commands
                install                  : Install firmware package file for Broadcom devices
                verify                   : Verify if firmware package is installed correctly on the device
                fw_sync                  : Synchronize SBI, SRT and CRT Primary and Secondary images

        Query commands
                version                  : Query bnxtnvm version
                list                     : Query package components and associated version details
                view                     : Query package component details
                listdev                  : Scan and display the supported Broadcom device information
                saveoptions              : Save NVM configuration options on the device to a file
                devid                    : Query Broadcom device id's
                device_info              : Query Broadcom device information and default hardware resources profile version
                getoption                : Query current NVM configuration option settings of a device
                pkgver                   : Query firmware package version installed on the device
                device_temperature       : Query the device temperature in Celsius
                moduleinfo               : Query the PHY module information
                ether_serdes_eye_diagram : Query the ethernet serdes eye diagram
                pci_eye_diagram          : Query the pci eye diagram
                pcie_counters            : Query the pcie counters of the device
                query_tunnel_redirect    : Query tunnel redirection for a specified VF
                get_mtu                  : Query MTU of requested PF
                read                     : Read NVM item data and write contents to a file
                optionhelp               : Query detailed help for each NVM configuration option
                pci_eye_scope            : Query the Horizontal, Vertical margin values along with PCIe link rating and displays eye diagram
                get_backup_power_config  : Query backup power configuration of the device. This is applicable only for NX-S devices

        Configure commands
                setoption                : Configure NVM configuration option settings of a device
                resmgmt                  : Resource Management to Get/Set Resources
                write                    : Create or overwrite NVM data item with a file
                cfgtunnel                : Custom tunnel configuration (Query, free Port and Set Port)
                add_tunnel_redirect      : Add tunnel redirection for a specified VF
                del_tunnel_redirect      : Remove tunnel redirection for a specified VF
                reset_ap                 : Reset the management processor. This is applicable only for NX-S devices
                set_mtu                  : Configure MTU of requested PF
                vf                       : Configure the trusted VF
                flow_reset               : Resets the CFA flows of the device
                prbs_test                : Configure and run PRBS test on a given port
                add_ntuple_filter        : Add ntuple flow filter for the specified MAC and destination port
                free_ntuple_filter       : Free ntuple flow filter for the specified filter id
                reset                    : Reset the device. This command is not supported in multi host environment.
                restore_factory_defaults : Restores NVM configuration to factory defaults
                set_backup_power_config  : Configure backup power configuration of the device. This is applicable only for NX-S devices
                loopback                 : Configure different loopback modes i.e. phy loopback, mac loopback and external loopback

        Debug commands
                coredump                 : Retrieves coredump data from device. A .core file will be generated in the same directory
                backup                   : Read NVM contents to a file
                device_health_check      : Checks the device health
                dscdump                  : Retrieves DSC Dump from device. A .dmp file will be generated in the same directory
                fwcli                    : Retrieve firmware CLI dump of the device.

        To display supported devices     : bnxtnvm listdev
        To install firmware              : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> install <package file>
        To verify firmware installed     : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> verify
        To get NVM config option         : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> getoption=<NVM_option_name>:[function/port index]
        To set NVM config option         : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> setoption=<NVM_option_name>:[function/port index]#<val>
        To get resources of PF           : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> resmgmt min
                                           bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> resmgmt max
                                           bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> resmgmt max_cmpl
        To get MTU of PF                 : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> get_mtu pf <pf_index>
        To set MTU of PF                 : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> set_mtu <value> pf <pf_index>
        To display pci eye diagram       : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> pci_eye_diagram <pci_lane_number>
        To configure tunnel redirection  : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> cfgtunnel vxlan_ipv4 dst_port <port num>
        To retrieve coredump             : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> coredump
        To reset firmware                : bnxtnvm -dev=<ethX> reset


bnxtnvm listdev

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm listdev

Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter #1
Device Interface Name       : enp175s0f0np0
MACAddress                  : e4:3d:1a:86:8a:90
PCI Device Name             : 0000:af:00.0

bnxtnvm device_info

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm device_info

Device Interface Name       : enp175s0f0np0
MACAddress                  : e4:3d:1a:86:8a:90
Base MACAddress             : Not Available
Device Serial Number        : P425G21240009KFV
Chip Number                 : BCM57504
Part Number                 : BCM957504-P425G
Description                 : Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter
PCI Vendor Id               : 14e4
PCI Device Id               : 1751
PCI Subsys Vendor Id        : 14e4
PCI Subsys Device Id        : 4250
PCI Device Name             : 0000:af:00.0
Adapter Rev                 : 11
Active Package version      : 216.0.333.11
Package version on NVM      : 216.0.333.11
Active NVM config version   : Not Available
NVM config version          : Not Available
Firmware Reset Counter      : Not Available
Error Recovery Counter      : Not Available
Crash Dump Timestamp        : Not Available
Reboot Required             : No
FW Image Status             : Not Available

bnxtnvm install

[root@fedora ~]# ls -lh Firmware-
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2,0M 16. Sep 11:49 Firmware-
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm -dev=enp175s0f0np0 install Firmware-

Broadcom NetXtreme-C/E/S firmware update and configuration utility version v218.0.219.6

NetXtreme-E Controller #1 at PCI Domain:0000 Bus:af Dev:00
        Firmware on NVM - v216.0.333.11

NetXtreme-E Controller #1 will be updated to firmware version v218.0.169.0

Do you want to continue (Y/N)?y

NetXtreme-C/E/S Controller #1 is being updated.............................................

Firmware update is completed.
A system reboot is needed for firmware update to take effect.
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm verify

Device #1
Device: enp175s0f0np0
Verifying the NVM components
All the NVM components are verified successfully
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm device_info

Device Interface Name       : enp175s0f0np0
MACAddress                  : e4:3d:1a:86:8a:90
Base MACAddress             : Not Available
Device Serial Number        : P425G21240009KFV
Chip Number                 : BCM57504
Part Number                 : BCM957504-P425G
Description                 : Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter
PCI Vendor Id               : 14e4
PCI Device Id               : 1751
PCI Subsys Vendor Id        : 14e4
PCI Subsys Device Id        : 4250
PCI Device Name             : 0000:af:00.0
Adapter Rev                 : 11
Active Package version      : 216.0.333.11
Package version on NVM      :
Active NVM config version   : Not Available
NVM config version          : Not Available
Firmware Reset Counter      : Not Available
Error Recovery Counter      : Not Available
Crash Dump Timestamp        : Not Available
Reboot Required             : Yes
FW Image Status             : Not Available

[root@fedora ~]# reboot
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm device_info

Device Interface Name       : enp175s0f0np0
MACAddress                  : e4:3d:1a:86:8a:90
Base MACAddress             : Not Available
Device Serial Number        : P425G21240009KFV
Chip Number                 : BCM57504
Part Number                 : BCM957504-P425G
Description                 : Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter
PCI Vendor Id               : 14e4
PCI Device Id               : 1751
PCI Subsys Vendor Id        : 14e4
PCI Subsys Device Id        : 4250
PCI Device Name             : 0000:af:00.0
Adapter Rev                 : 11
Active Package version      :
Package version on NVM      :
Active NVM config version   : Not Available
NVM config version          : Not Available
Firmware Reset Counter      : Not Available
Error Recovery Counter      : Not Available
Crash Dump Timestamp        : Not Available
Reboot Required             : No
FW Image Status             : Not Available
[root@fedora ~]# ls -lh Firmware-
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2,0M 16. Sep 11:46 Firmware-
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm -dev=enp175s0f0np0 -live install Firmware-

Broadcom NetXtreme-C/E/S firmware update and configuration utility version v218.0.219.6

NetXtreme-E Controller #1 at PCI Domain:0000 Bus:af Dev:00
        Firmware on NVM - v218.0.169.0

NetXtreme-E Controller #1 will be updated to firmware version v218.0.219.21

Do you want to continue (Y/N)?y

NetXtreme-C/E/S Controller #1 is being updated

Live FW upgrade is not supported on this device as the required firmware/drivers
are not installed.
Please update the software components or run the install command
without 'live' option.
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm -dev=enp175s0f0np0 install Firmware-

Broadcom NetXtreme-C/E/S firmware update and configuration utility version v218.0.219.6

NetXtreme-E Controller #1 at PCI Domain:0000 Bus:af Dev:00
        Firmware on NVM - v218.0.169.0

NetXtreme-E Controller #1 will be updated to firmware version v218.0.219.21

Do you want to continue (Y/N)?y

NetXtreme-C/E/S Controller #1 is being updated....................................

Firmware update is completed.
A system reboot is needed for firmware update to take effect.
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm verify

Device #1
Device: enp175s0f0np0
Verifying the NVM components
All the NVM components are verified successfully
[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm device_info

Device Interface Name       : enp175s0f0np0
MACAddress                  : e4:3d:1a:86:8a:90
Base MACAddress             : Not Available
Device Serial Number        : P425G21240009KFV
Chip Number                 : BCM57504
Part Number                 : BCM957504-P425G
Description                 : Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter
PCI Vendor Id               : 14e4
PCI Device Id               : 1751
PCI Subsys Vendor Id        : 14e4
PCI Subsys Device Id        : 4250
PCI Device Name             : 0000:af:00.0
Adapter Rev                 : 11
Active Package version      :
Package version on NVM      :
Active NVM config version   : Not Available
NVM config version          : Not Available
Firmware Reset Counter      : Not Available
Error Recovery Counter      : Not Available
Crash Dump Timestamp        : Not Available
Reboot Required             : Yes
FW Image Status             : Not Available

[root@fedora ~]# reboot

bnxtnvm version

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm version
Broadcom NetXtreme-C/E/S firmware update and configuration utility
Version v218.0.219.6

bnxtnvm list

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm list

Device #1
Device: enp175s0f0np0
item type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
   1 VPD            0.0       324/4096    0000
   2 systemCfg      0.0     36864/36864   0001
   3 pkgLog         0.0       624/4096    0000
   4 update         0.0   2091956/2097152 0000
   5 iSCSIboot      0.0     64096/65536   0010
   6 SBIImage       0.0    212176/524288  0000
   7 MBA            0.0    223008/225280  0010
   8 iSCSIcfg       0.0      2048/4096    0000
   9 iSCSIcfg       1.0      2048/4096    0000
  10 iSCSIcfg       2.0      2048/4096    0000
  11 iSCSIcfg       3.0      2048/4096    0000
  12 factoryCfg     0.0     36864/36864   0001
  13 SRTImage       1.0    334672/335872  0000
  14 CRTImage       1.0   1143952/1146880 0000
  15 SBIImage       1.0    212176/524288  0000
  16 CrashDmpData   0.0    524288/524288  0001
  17 CrashDmpData   1.0    524288/524288  0001
  18 CRTImage       0.0   1143952/1146880 0000
  19 CCM            0.0     62240/65536   0010
  20 SRTImage       0.0    334672/335872  0000

bnxtnvm view

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm view

Device #1
Device: enp175s0f0np0
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
VPD            0.0       324/4096    0000
VPD Resource Tag ID "Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter"
VPD Resource Tag VPD-R
    PN: "BCM957504-P425G"
    MN: "14E4"
    V0: ""
    V1: ""
    V3: ""
    V6: ""
    V7: ""
    V9: ""
    VB: "REV015DEV525"
    SN: "P425G21240009KFV"
VPD Resource Tag END
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
systemCfg      0.0     36864/36864   0001
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
pkgLog         0.0       624/4096    0000
2020-06-28 17:52:56Z    Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter  216.0.333.11    2020-06-09 15:49:36Z    260AB987        11      ffb
2021-06-15 15:29:10Z    Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter  216.0.333.11    2020-06-28 10:53:23     08B45EA3        14      3fff
2021-09-16 09:51:11Z    Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter     2021-01-18 21:15:30Z    Success 7AAC3E35        8       5c3a     0       cfw May 18 2020 0
2021-09-16 09:59:48Z    Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter    2021-05-18 21:56:54Z    Success F4644DEC        8       5c3a     0       cfw Dec 29 2020 0
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
update         0.0   2091956/2097152 0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
iSCSIboot      0.0     64096/65536   0010
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
SBIImage       0.0    212176/524288  0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
MBA            0.0    223008/225280  0010
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
iSCSIcfg       0.0      2048/4096    0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
iSCSIcfg       1.0      2048/4096    0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
iSCSIcfg       2.0      2048/4096    0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
iSCSIcfg       3.0      2048/4096    0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
factoryCfg     0.0     36864/36864   0001
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
SRTImage       1.0    334672/335872  0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
CRTImage       1.0   1143952/1146880 0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
SBIImage       1.0    212176/524288  0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
CrashDmpData   0.0    524288/524288  0001
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
CrashDmpData   1.0    524288/524288  0001
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
CRTImage       0.0   1143952/1146880 0000
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
CCM            0.0     62240/65536   0010
type         ord.ext    data/length  attr version
SRTImage       0.0    334672/335872  0000

bnxtnvm devid

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm devid

Device #1
Device: enp175s0f0np0
PCI VendorID         : 14e4
PCI DeviceID         : 1751
PCI Subsys VendorID  : 14e4
PCI Subsys DeviceID  : 4250
PCI Device Name      : 0000:af:00:0

bnxtnvm device_info

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm device_info

Device Interface Name       : enp175s0f0np0
MACAddress                  : e4:3d:1a:86:8a:90
Base MACAddress             : Not Available
Device Serial Number        : P425G21240009KFV
Chip Number                 : BCM57504
Part Number                 : BCM957504-P425G
Description                 : Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb SFP28 PCIe Ethernet Adapter
PCI Vendor Id               : 14e4
PCI Device Id               : 1751
PCI Subsys Vendor Id        : 14e4
PCI Subsys Device Id        : 4250
PCI Device Name             : 0000:af:00.0
Adapter Rev                 : 11
Active Package version      :
Package version on NVM      :
Active NVM config version   : Not Available
NVM config version          : Not Available
Firmware Reset Counter      : Not Available
Error Recovery Counter      : Not Available
Crash Dump Timestamp        : Not Available
Reboot Required             : No
FW Image Status             : Not Available

bnxtnvm pkgver

[root@fedora ~]# bnxtnvm -dev=enp175s0f0np0 pkgver

Active Package version    :
Package version on NVM    :
Primary SBI Version       :
Secondary SBI Version     :
Primary SRT Version       :
Secondary SRT Version     :
Primary CRT Version       :
Secondary CRT Version     :

Foto Werner Fischer.jpg

Autor: Werner Fischer

Werner Fischer arbeitet im Product Management Team von Thomas-Krenn. Er evaluiert dabei neueste Technologien und teilt sein Wissen in Fachartikeln, bei Konferenzen und im Thomas-Krenn Wiki. Bereits 2005 - ein Jahr nach seinem Abschluss des Studiums zu Computer- und Mediensicherheit an der FH Hagenberg - heuerte er beim bayerischen Server-Hersteller an. Als Öffi-Fan nutzt er gerne Bus & Bahn und genießt seinen morgendlichen Spaziergang ins Büro.

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