Event-News: LinuxTag 2013 SSD and HDD performance testing with TKperf

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Am LinuxTag 2013 hat Georg Schönberger - Research & Development Executive bei der Thomas-Krenn.AG - im Strack Track einen Talk zum Thema SSD & HDD performance testing with TKperf gehalten.

Der Vortrag fand am Donnerstag, 23.05. von 14:00-14:30 Uhr im Raum London II statt.


Georg Schönberger am LinuxTag 2013 beim Vortrag SSD and HDD performance testing with TKperf

Solid-State Drives (SSDs) are a frequently discussed topic in current IT infrastructures. In many cases the investment of replacing hard drives is taken on the assumption that SSDs are generally faster. But it depends on various parameters whether or not this assumption is true for a specific system. It is crucial to know which demands a system has to its disk subsystem in order to design it correctly. It is important to analyze how the devices behave under certain circumstances to ensure they can fulfill one's storage needs. Such performance tests are generally difficult to implement because they need to be accurate in terms of setup, test scenario and result reporting. There are many performance testing tools which do not cope with the previously noted requirements. Due to the lack of automatically generated testing reports it is often difficult to figure out test parameters and the system's environment. In this talk we dive into the topics of I/O performance and discuss I/Os per second, throughput and latency. We also present the Open Source performance suite TKperf which uses the Flexible I/O Tester (Fio) in the background. Covering the needs described above it brings performance testing to a next level. TKperf implements the tests specified in the SNIA “Solid State Storage (SSS) Performance Test Specification (PTS) Enterprise v1.0”, fulfilling all of its reporting requirements. We applied the ideas of the specification to test traditional hard disks with TKperf, too.


Foto Georg Schönberger.jpg

Autor: Georg Schönberger

Georg Schönberger, Abteilung DevOps bei der XORTEX eBusiness GmbH, absolvierte an der FH OÖ am Campus Hagenberg sein Studium zum Bachelor Computer- und Mediensicherheit, Studium Master Sichere Informationssysteme. Seit 2015 ist Georg bei XORTEX beschäftigt und arbeitet sehr lösungsorientiert und hat keine Angst vor schwierigen Aufgaben. Zu seinen Hobbys zählt neben Linux auch Tennis, Klettern und Reisen.

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