GPU Sensor Monitoring Plugin Setup

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The GPU plugin shows detailed information about the GPUs added to the system and supplies current performance data.

This article will describe the installation and configuration of the Graphic Processor Unit (GPU) Sensor Monitoring Plugin in Nagios and Icinga. The plugin makes monitoring the NVIDIA GPU Hardware possible and displays detailed status information about the current state of the video cards. In this specific case for example, the temperature, power usage, fan speed and memory usage will be monitored.

Current Version

Important Prerequisite Information

Note: After an inquiry at the NVIDIA forum, it has been confirmed that fan speed indicated by the nvidia-smi/nvml cannot be used to conclude whether or not the fan is actually rotating. The percentage indicators show the rotational speed, at which the fan algorithm attempts to operate the fan. Regarding this see the discussion in the NVIDIA-Forum.

As a rule, the temperature sensor functions as an indicator for a functioning fan, for that reason. If the temperature continuously increases without cause, this may indicate a ventilation problem. The fan may be defective for GPUs whose temperatures increase above the specified maximum temperature.


The performance data can be visualized and analyzed via PNP4Nagios. By doing this, increased temperatures and fan speeds can be detected in a timely manner and appropriate measures taken.

The plugin is available from GitHub: check_gpu_sensor_v1

A copy of the plugin can be downloaded using the command:

git clone git://


git clone

Useful information and tips for the use of Git can be found in the series of article in the Git category.

Installing the check_gpu_sensor Plugin

The following components will be required for the installation and use of the plugin:

NVidia Management Library

The "NVIDIA Management Library" (NVML) is a C-based API for management NVIDIA GPUs.[1] NVML’s runtime library is supplied with the NVIDIA video driver("libnvidia-ml"). The NVML SDK includes the stub libraries, the header files and example applications. Each new version of NVML has remained backwards compatible and helps with the creation of third-party software for the management of NVIDIA GPUs. The functional scope of the NVML library is available predominantly for Tesla series products. The following information can be detected using NVML.[1]

  • ECC status information (error counts)
  • GPU load (memory & processor)
  • Temperature and fan speed
  • Active computational processes
  • GPU clock rates
  • Power management

The Tesla Deployment Kit, which contains all of the required components for NVML, ( can be downloaded for programming in C. The C components are not required, however, for using script bindings or the GPU plugin. The Perl and Python scripting languages are officially supported through bindings (see below). The NVML API Reference Manual will provide additional information about the NVML library.

Supported Operating Systems and GPUs

According to the reference manual, the following operating systems (OSs) and GPUs are supported:[2]

  • OS Platforms
    1. Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit, Windows 7 64-bit
    2. Linux 32-bit and 64-bit
  • GPUs
    • Full Support
    • Full Support
      • NVIDIA Tesla ™Line: S2050, C2050, C2070, C2075, M2050, M2070, M2075, M2090, X2070, X2090, K10, K20, K20X
      • NVIDIA Quadro ®Line: 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, M2070-Q, 600, 2000, 3000M and 410
      • NVIDIA GeForce ®Line: None
    • Limited Support
      • NVIDIA Tesla ™Line: S1070, C1060, M1060
      • NVIDIA Quadro ®Line: All other current and previous generation Quadro-branded parts
      • NVIDIA GeForce ®Line: All current and previous generation GeForce-branded parts

So that NVML calls for the plugin can be used, a Perl binding must be installed.

Installing the Perl Binding

A collection of officially supported bindings for Python and Perl are offered from:

They will make programming software with the help of the NVML API possible in Python and Perl.

When installing the Perl bindings, make sure that they are appropriate for the installed version of the driver(s). Version 304.88 from the repo should be used with Ubuntu 12.04.[3]

$ nvidia-smi -a|grep 'Driver Version'
Driver Version                  : 304.88

This driver can be used with the current Perl bindings in the "nvidia-ml-pl-4.304.1" version package.

Note: If the following error message appears during the creation of the make file (such when the proprietary NVIDIA drivers will not be used, but rather those form the repo) :

:~/nvidia-ml$ perl Makefile.PL 
Note (probably harmless): No library found for -lnvidia-ml
Writing Makefile for nvidia::ml::bindings
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json

then the path to the "nvidia-ml" library will have to be modified ("-L/usr/lib/nvidia-current" or "-L/usr/lib/nvidia-experimental-304" (for the experimental driver)):

$ chmod u+w Makefile.PL
$ vi Makefile.PL
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
    NAME              => 'nvidia::ml::bindings',
    PREREQ_PM         => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
    LIBS              => ['-L/usr/lib/nvidia-current -lnvidia-ml'], # e.g., '-lm'
    DEFINE            => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
    INC               => '-I.', # e.g., '-I. -I/usr/include/other'
    OBJECT            => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too

Afterwards, the Perl bindings will compile without warnings and can be installed.

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ sudo make install

Finally, the following command indicates that the Perl modules have been installed.

$ perldoc perllocal
   Mon Apr 22 09:11:08 2013: "Module" nvidia::ml::bindings
       ·   "installed into: /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2"

       ·   "LINKTYPE: dynamic"

       ·   "VERSION: "

       ·   "EXE_FILES: "

Installing the Plugin File

For installing the plugin file, the file, "check_gpu_sensor", must be copied to the Nagios or Icinga Plugins directory and designated as executable.

$ sudo cp check_gpu_sensor /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_gpu_sensor

Configuring the check_gpu_sensor Plugin

NRPE Configuration

The Icinga NRPE Plugin article may be referred for help with the configuration of NRPE.

On the Monitored Server

So that the monitored host will properly call the GPU plugin, an NRPE configuration file (see also Icinga NRPE Plugin#Nagios/Icinga Client) must be created in the first step. The GPU to be monitored is defined by specifying a PCI device string. This device string may be determined from the nvidia-smi utility.

$ nvidia-smi -a |grep 'Bus Id'
        Bus Id                  : 0000:83:00.0

The string just provided will identify the system’s GPU.

$ sudo vi /etc/nagios/nrpe_local.cfg
command[check_gpu_sensor]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_gpu_sensor -db '0000:83:00.0'

The device ID can be used instead of the device string. The disadvantage of using the device ID is that it does not ensure that the same ID will be assigned to the same devices after rebooting. Specifying the PCI string should be preferred over the device ID for that reason.

$ ./check_gpu_sensor -db 0000:83:00.0
Warning - Tesla K20 [persistenceMode = Warning]|ECCL2AggSgl=0;1;2; ECCTexAggSgl=0;1;2; memUtilRate=1 PWRUsage=31.61;150;200;
ECCRegAggSgl=0;1;2; SMClock=705 ECCL1AggSgl=0;1;2; GPUTemperature=37;85;100; memClock=2600 usedMemory=0.24;95;99; fanSpeed=30;80;95;
graphicsClock=705 GPUUtilRate=27 ECCMemAggSgl=0;1;2;
$ ./check_gpu_sensor -d 0
Warning - Tesla K20 [persistenceMode = Warning]|ECCL2AggSgl=0;1;2; ECCTexAggSgl=0;1;2; memUtilRate=0 PWRUsage=30.36;150;200;
ECCRegAggSgl=0;1;2; SMClock=705 ECCL1AggSgl=0;1;2; GPUTemperature=38;85;100; memClock=2600 usedMemory=0.24;95;99; fanSpeed=30;80;95;
graphicsClock=705 GPUUtilRate=0 ECCMemAggSgl=0;1;2;

Finally, the IP address for the Nagios or Icinga server (e.g must still be entered into the "/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg" file to permit an NRPE connection.

sudo vi /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg

Once the NRPE server has been restarted, the NRPE configuration will be completed on the monitored host.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/nagios-nrpe-server restart

On Icinga Servers

For Icinga servers, the following will be required:

If both components have been successfully installed and configured, a new service-configuration can be created for the GPU host.

:~# vi /usr/local/icinga/etc/objects/gpu-host.cfg
define host{
        use             linux-server
        host_name       GpuNode
        alias           GpuNode
define service{
        use     generic-service
        host_name       GpuNode
        service_description     GPU SENSOR
        check_command   check_nrpe!check_gpu_sensor

So that this service will also become active, the path for the service file will be added in the Icinga configuration.

:~# vi /usr/local/icinga/etc/icinga.cfg

Afterwards, the NRPE connection with the GPU sensor plugin can be tested.

OK - Tesla K20 |ECCL2AggSgl=0;1;2; ECCTexAggSgl=0;1;2; memUtilRate=0 PWRUsage=49.81;150;200; ECCRegAggSgl=0;1;2; SMClock=705
ECCL1AggSgl=0;1;2; GPUTemperature=38;85;100; memClock=2600 usedMemory=0.24;95;99; fanSpeed=30;80;95; graphicsClock=705
GPUUtilRate=0 ECCMemAggSgl=0;1;2;


  1. 1.0 1.1 NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) (
  2. [1] (
  3. Ubuntu nvidia-current package (

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