IPMI Firmware Update for Supermicro Motherboards with ATEN IPMI Software

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This article shows how to perform an IPMI Firmware Update of a Supermicro X9SCM-F Motherboard. This motherboard contains a Nuvoton WPCM450R IPMI Chip with ATEN-Software.

IPMI Firmware Update via Webinterface

The following screenshots show the necessary steps how to perform an update of the IPMI Firmware:

IPMI Firmware Update via Flash-Utility

Supermicro provides an IPMI Flash-Utility for DOS, Linux and Windows.[1]

The following steps show the update of the IPMI firmware under Linux. Copy both the Flash Utility and the firmware file to the server on which you want to update the IPMI firmware. The files lUpdate and lUpdate.sh must be executable:

root@9000080177:~/ipmi-flash-tool-aten# ls -l
total 16964
-rw------- 1 root root       19 Nov 11 13:16 kcs.cfg
-rw------- 1 root root      537 Nov 11 13:16 load_ipmi_driver.sh
-rwx--x--x 1 root root   525696 Nov 11 13:16 lUpdate
-rwx--x--x 1 root root      393 Nov 11 13:16 lUpdate.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root        9 Nov 11 13:18 Motherboards.txt
-rw------- 1 root root     3110 Nov 11 13:16 readme_Linux_1.15.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16777216 Nov 11 13:18 SMT_X9_130.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    13136 Nov 11 13:18 SMT_X9_130.txt
-rw------- 1 root root      292 Nov 11 13:16 unload_ipmi_driver.sh
root@9000080177:~/ipmi-flash-tool-aten# ./lUpdate.sh -f SMT_X9_130.bin -i kcs -r n

* ATEN Technology, Inc.                                                     *
* FUNCTION   :  IPMI FIRMWARE UPDATE UTILITY                                *
* VERSION    :  1.15                                                        *
* BUILD DATE :  Jan  7 2010                                                 *
* USAGE      :                                                              *
*             (1)Update FIRMWARE : lUpdate -f filename.bin [OPTION]     *
*             (2)Dump FIRMWARE : lUpdate -d filename                    *
* OPTION                                                                    *
*   -i the IPMI channel, currently, kcs and lan are supported               *
* LAN channel specific arguments                                            *
*   -h remote BMC address and RMCP+ port, (default port is 623)             *
*   -u IPMI user name                                                       *
*   -p IPMI password correlated to IPMI user name                           *
*   -r Preserve Configuration (default is Preserve)                         *
*      n:No Preserve, reset to factory default settings                     *
*      y:Preserve, keep all of the settings                                 *
* EXAMPLE                                                                   *
*   we like to upgrade firmware through KCS channel                         *
*   lUpdate -f fw.bin -i kcs -r y                                       *
*                                                                           *
*   we like to upgrade firmware through LAN channel with                    *
*     BMC IP address port 623                                   *
*     IPMI username is alice                                                *
*     Password for alice is secret                                          *
*     Preserve Configuration                                                *
*   lUpdate -f fw.bin -i lan -h 623 -u alice -p secret -r y *


If the FW update fails,PLEASE TRY AGAIN
update part 0, the size is 0x770000  bytes
Transfer data ................
7616K bytes      100%

Programming Flash 


If the FW update fails,PLEASE TRY AGAIN
update part 1, the size is 0x120000  bytes
Transfer data ................
1152K bytes      100%

Programming Flash 


If the FW update fails,PLEASE TRY AGAIN
update part 2, the size is 0x260000  bytes
Transfer data ................
2432K bytes      100%

Programming Flash 


Please wait....If the FW update fails. PLEASE WAIT 5 MINS AND REMOVE THE AC...

Update progress:100 %
Update Complete,Please wait for BMC reboot, about 1 min


  • After the update, configure the current time and the current date (if you have not configured a NTP server).


  1. IPMI Flash Tools (ftp.supermicro.com)

Foto Werner Fischer.jpg

Author: Werner Fischer

Werner Fischer, working in the Knowledge Transfer team at Thomas-Krenn, completed his studies of Computer and Media Security at FH Hagenberg in Austria. He is a regular speaker at many conferences like LinuxTag, OSMC, OSDC, LinuxCon, and author for various IT magazines. In his spare time he enjoys playing the piano and training for a good result at the annual Linz marathon relay.

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