Intel 910 SSD perform a Secure Erase

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The Intel SSD 910 Series is a PCIe-based expansion card for high-performance storage solutions. A Secure Erase for this device is performed with Intel's own command-line tool (Data Center Tool). In this article, it will be explained how to perform a Secure Erase using the Intel Data Center Tool.

Downloading the Datacenter Tools

The Intel Data Center Tool can be obtained free of charge from the Intel Download Center:

After successfully downloading and unpacking the archive, you will find the following files:

:~/Downloads$ tar xf Intel\ SSD\ Data\ Center\ Tool\ 1_1_0\ Linux.tar -C intel-datacenter/
:~/Downloads$ cd intel-datacenter/
:~/Downloads/intel-datacenter$ ls
Intel SSD Data Center Tool License Oct 2012.rtf  Intel SSD Data Center Tool User Guide 327191-002US.pdf*  isdct*

The command line program isdct can be easily copied for later use as /usr/local/bin.

Issuing Device Info

The following output provides information about the installed PCIe SSD card price:

:~$ sudo isdct -list
[sudo] password for gschoenberger: 
 Intel(R) SSD Data Center Tool Version 1.1.0
 Copyright (c) 2012 Intel Corporation 

| PCIe   | Port | Product Name     | Serial Number | Power Setting |
| Device |      |                  |               |               |
| Index  |      |                  |               |               |
| 0      | ioc0 | Intel(R) SSD 910 | Unknown       | Default       |
   | Drive | Model                  | Serial   | Max LBA    | Sector | SAS Address      | Phy   | Test  | Firmware     |
   | Index |                        | Number   |            | Size   |                  | Num   | Unit  |              |
   | 0     | INTEL(R) SSD 910 200GB | XVV05PXB | 390721967  | 512    | 5000CCA0130055B1 | 3     | Ready | 1200C008A40D |
   | 1     | INTEL(R) SSD 910 200GB | XVV05PYB | 390721967  | 512    | 5000CCA0130055B6 | 5     | Ready | 1200C008A40D |

To know which device path has been mapped to which device, it is recommended to control the SAS Addresses:

:~$ lsscsi | grep 910
[6:0:0:0]    disk    INTEL(R)  SSD 910 200GB   a40D  /dev/sdg
[6:0:1:0]    disk    INTEL(R)  SSD 910 200GB   a40D  /dev/sdh
:~$ ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/|grep sdg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan 25 14:33 pci-0000:05:00.0-sas-0x5000cca0130055b1-lun-0 -> ../../sdg
:~$ ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/|grep sdh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 Jan 25 14:33 pci-0000:05:00.0-sas-0x5000cca0130055b6-lun-0 -> ../../sdh

Comparing the SAS addresses and device information results in a mapping of:

/dev/sdg -> 5000CCA0130055B1 -> Device 0 / Drive 0
/dev/sdh -> 5000CCA0130055B6 -> Device 0 / Drive 1

Performing the Secure Erase

Using the erase command a Secure Erase can be initiated:

:~$ isdct -help | grep erase
    -erase                               Erase all the data on the drive by issuing a SCSI Format Unit command.              
                                         Use -drive all to erase all the target drives in parallel.                          
                                         Example: isdct.exe -device 0 -drive 1 -erase

Both the correct device and the correct drive must be specified:

:~$ sudo isdct -device 0 -drive 0 -erase
Erasing the drive...

In this case, the Secure Erase must be confirmed once more prior to running. The additional parameter -force has eliminated this aspect.

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