Querying RAID Status

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This article should supply an overview of how the RAID status can be queried for the various RAID controllers that are used by Thomas-Krenn.AG for your server products. This information is exceptionally important for the undisrupted operation of a server system and should be requested periodically.

Furthermore, the following commands are very appropriate for deployment in scripts that will be periodically executed to notify server administrators by email, for example, when there are problems with the status of the RAID arrays.


For monitoring the RAID status of a 3ware RAID controller, the best solution is to use the 3ware command line interface (tw_cli).

Examples of Commands Requesting Information

Listing all obstructed 3ware RAID controllers:

test:~# tw_cli show

Ctl   Model        (V)Ports  Drives   Units   NotOpt  RRate   VRate  BBU
c0    9550SXU-4LP  4         2        1       0       1       1      -

Listing all information regarding Controller c0:

test:~# tw_cli /c0 show

Unit  UnitType  Status         %RCmpl  %V/I/M  Stripe  Size(GB)  Cache  AVrfy
u0    RAID-1    OK             -       -       -       74.4951   ON     OFF

Port   Status           Unit   Size        Blocks        Serial
p0     NOT-PRESENT      -      -           -             -
p1     NOT-PRESENT      -      -           -             -
p2     OK               u0     74.53 GB    156301488     9QZ07NP2
p3     OK               u0     74.53 GB    156301488     9QZ08DS2

Listing all information regarding Unit u0 on Controller c0:

test:~# tw_cli /c0/u0 show

Unit     UnitType  Status         %RCmpl  %V/I/M  Port  Stripe  Size(GB)
u0       RAID-1    OK             -       -       -     -       74.4951
u0-0     DISK      OK             -       -       p3    -       74.4951
u0-1     DISK      OK             -       -       p2    -       74.4951

This last item is probably most suitable for monitoring the RAID status of individual units.

Command Help

You can find help regarding which commands are available from the command line interface through the command help


tw_cli help
tw_cli /c0 help
tw_cli /c0/u0 help

Downloading tw_cli

If the CLI has not been installed on the system, it can be downloaded from the Thomas-Krenn.AG Download Site.

tw_cli for Linux V9.5.2

tw_cli for Windows V9.5.2

tw_cli Documentation

The documentation for the CLI can also be found at the Thomas-Krenn.AG Download Site:


Further Information

Information regarding rebuilding units connected to 3ware RAID controllers can be found in the following article:

Rebuilding with 3ware Controllers under Linux

Information about how the consistency of RAID arrays controlled by 3ware controllers can be tested can be found in the section referred to in the following article:

Checking the Consistency of RAID Arrays#3ware RAID Controllers

Information regarding the analysis of units connected to 3ware RAID controllers can be found in the following article:

Analyzing 3ware RAID Controllers

Additional useful articles can be found in the following categories:



For monitoring the RAID status of an Adaptec RAID controller, the best solution is to use the Adaptec command line interface (ARCCONF).

Examples of Commands Requesting Information

Listing all information regarding the controller with the ID 1


Listing all information regarding the settings of the controller with the ID 1


Listing all information regarding the logical drives connected to the controller with the ID 1


Listing all information regarding the physical devices connected to the controller with the ID 1


Command Help

You can find help regarding which commands are available from the command line utility by entering the ARCCONF command (without additional commands or parameters). You can get help regarding the individual commands by entering the corresponding command and pressing the Enter key.



Downloading ARCCONF

The command line utility is a component of the "ASM (Adaptec Storage Manager)" package. If the command line utility has not been installed on the system, it can be downloaded from the Thomas-Krenn.AG Download Site.

ASM Linux 32-bit v6.10.18359

ASM Linux 64-bit v6.10.18359

ASM Windows 32-bit v6.10.18359

ASM Windows 64-bit v6.10.18359

ARCCONF Documentation

The documentation for the command line utility can be found on the Adaptec home page:

Command Line Utility User's Guide

Further Information

The following wiki articles will supply additional information regarding the operation of Adaptec RAID controllers:


For monitoring the RAID status of an Areca RAID Controller, the best solution is to use the Areca command line interface cli32, or cli64 for 64-bit systems.

Examples of Commands Requesting Information

Listing all information regarding the RAID set

cli32 rsf info

Listing all information regarding the volume set

cli32 vsf info

Listing detailed information regarding the first volume set

cli32 vsf info vol=1

Listing all information regarding the physical disks

cli32 disk info

Listing detailed information regarding the first physical disk

cli32 disk info drv=1

Command Help

You can get help regarding the individual commands by adding the -h or -help flags to the respective command.


cli32 rsf -h
cli32 vsf -h

The following command will supply a list of all possible commands:

cli32 main

Downloading cli32 or cli64

If the CLI has not yet been installed on the system, it can be downloaded from the Areca Support Site:

CLI for Linux

CLI for Windows

CLI Documentation

The documentation for the command line interface can also be found on the home page of the Areca support site:

Command Line Interface User's Guide

Further Information

Information about how the consistency of RAID arrays controlled by Areca controllers can be tested can be found in the section referred to in the following article:

Checking the Consistency of RAID Arrays#Areca RAID Controllers

Information regarding the analysis of units connected to Areca RAID controllers can be found in the following article:

Analyzing Areca RAID Controllers


To check LSI based RAIDs you are advised to use LSI StorCLI.

Related articles

ClickBIOS Web Application
RAID Controller Basics
Selecting an appropriate RAID Level according to Area of Application